Here are the most common Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about PCSO results, products and services.

How to ask help and apply for monetary/ financial medical assistance from PCSO? How to apply online?

Through the Medical Access Program (MAP) of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), Filipino individuals, male or female with health-related problems seeking financial help, which is embedded on the premise of augmenting the costly medical expenses, in partnership with the government and private hospitals, health facilities and medicine retailers can now apply online for financial assistance.

About PCSO

The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) is a government-owned institution mandated by the Office of the President to raise funds for health, medical assistance services and charity programs mainly through the conduct of lottery games.

What is IMAP?

The PCSO’s IMAP or the Individual Medical Assistance Program was conceptualized since 1993 to help individuals with health-related programs through the provisions of financial assistance. A guarantee letter is issued to the hospital or partner health facility which assumes the specific amount due from the client for the services rendered.

Requests covered by MAP

  • Confinement
  • Chemotherapy
  • Dialysis (Hemo/PD/Erythropoietin)
  • Medicines (Hemophilia and Post-transplant)

Who can Apply for Medical Assistance?

Interested individuals who are asking for medical assistance can apply provided to secure below general and specific requirements. These requirements were extracted from the PCSO official website.

How to apply online for PCSO Medical Financial Assistance?

The online application for PCSO medical financial assistance is currently available for applicants in the National Capital Region (NCR). Likewise, it comes in the first-come-first-serve basis.

There’s a daily budget cut-off for online applications. In case that the request does not get through the day, applicants may try again earlier on the next day.

The applicants must ensure to have original documentary requirements ready as he will encode the basic information as well as scan and upload the necessary documents.

Per PCSO, upon filing the application, by securing a reference number, the PCSO Charity Assistance Department will process the request and provide financial assistance thru the Claim Slips or Guarantee Letters to be printed by the patient or patient’s representative.

The Claim Slips or Guarantee Letters will be presented to the hospital or partner health facility, together with the original documents which will be subsequently surrendered by the hospital or partner health facility to the Charity Assistance Department for the processing of payment.

Take note that the hospital or partner health facility has the right to approve or deny the requested assistance. All provided information are subject to validation by PCSO while the uploaded files should be limited to 2MB per document. Don’t try to manipulate the system by applying multiple times as this could be grounds for denial of financial assistance.

Here is the link for the PCSO online medical financial assistance application for NCR. Applicants must submit their applications online via the NCR Online Application website from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM except holidays.

What are the requirements for PCSO Financial Assistance?

General Requirements

  • Duly accomplished PCSO IMAP Application Form (this can also be obtained at PCSO Main Office, PCSO Branch Offices and PCSO Desk Partner Hospitals)
  • Government-issued ID of the patient such as Passport, Driver’s License, GSIS UMID, SSS ID, PRC ID, NSO Authenticated Birth Certificate, Digitized Voter’s ID, PhilHealth ID, Senior Citizen’s ID, Government Issued Office ID, DSWD-4Ps ID, and Student ID
  • Original/Certified True Copy of the Clinical Abstract (for inpatient & chemotherapy)/ Medical Certificate for outpatient duly signed by the attending physician/ oncologist with printed full name, signature and license number
  • Authorization Letter from the patient or immediate family member, in the absence of an immediate family member

Depending on the type of request, here are the itemized lists of specific requirements

Confinement – Specific Requirements

  • Original copy of the Final Statement of Account/ Latest Hospital bill with printed name duly signed by the Billing officer/Credit Supervisor with PhilHealth, Senior Citizen, HMO, MSS/ Discounts deductions
  • If Discharged: Validly-executed Promissory Note duly signed by the hospital representative or Certification with remaining balance from the hospital
  • For Medico-Legal Cases: Copy of the Vehicular/Police Report

Chemotherapy – Specific Requirements

  • Original prescription with printed full name, signature and license number of oncologist/ attending physician
  • Original copy of treatment protocol with signature, name and license number of oncologist/attending physician
  • Photocopy of Surgical/Histopathology/Biopsy Result
  • Index Card for patients with previous assistance

Medicines (Hemophilia and Post-transplant) – Specific Requirements

  • Prescription with printed full name, signature and license number of the attending physician
  • Photocopy of relevant laboratory result/s within the last three (3) months
  • Index Card for patients with previous assistance

Dialysis (Hemo/PD/Erythropoietin) – Specific Requirements

  • Acceptance Letter form the Dialysis Center/ Hospital accepting guarantee letter from PCSO
  • Official Quotation from the Dialysis Center/ Hospital (for dialysis)
  • Prescription with printed full name, signature and license # of the attending physician (for Erythropoietin)
  • Photocopy of relevant laboratory result/s within the last three (3) months
  • Index Card for patients with previous assistance
  • For PhilHealth Members:Copy of Member Data Record
  • Certification on the number of benefits availed

How much is PCSO Medical Assistance?

PCSO thoroughly evaluates the application and decides the amount of medical assistance based on the patient classification system obtained from the information filled at IMAP.

In the statement of Dr. Larry Cedro, charity sector assistance manager of the PCSO through Inquirer, he said:

We do provide assistance to almost all … but we always tell the public that the role of the PCSO is to augment (their funds). So we check the condition of the patient, especially if the patient is the breadwinner. The question is how to provide an equitable distribution of funds,

For instance, if you are admitted in the charity ward of a government hospital and you are classified as F, then you are entitled to receive 100 percent (of your medical expense). If you’re admitted to the pay section of a government hospital, you are entitled to receive 90 percent. In a private charity ward, you can receive a maximum of 70 percent, and in a private hospital, your (subsidy is not) going to exceed 60 percent.


Images Source: PCSO.gov.ph

Contact PCSO

Should you have further concerns about PCSO, you may also reached them at Charity Assistance Department – Individual Charity Assistance Division with telephone number 8-4263475.

You may also reach them at these mobile numbers: 09178807150, 09190683671, 09190683699 and 09490310843


To know the recent updates about PCSO financial assistance, as well as raise clarifications, comments, complaints or suggestions about the Office’s products and services, you may reach them through their official FB account.

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